Tres Puentes

Tres Puentes is a new 118 unit building serving low-income seniors, located at 285 East 138th Street, Bronx NY.  The project includes the West building, with 56 units and East building that includes a new Community Senior Center. The new building and landscapes fulfill the guidelines of Enterprise Green Communities and NYC Active Design, with a sustainable design that promotes active living. The landscape scope includes 16,000 sf of open space including a community terrace on the first floor roof, a meditative garden, and an activity court for the senior center. The design also includes the integration of the existing 25,000 sf entry and rear garden into the overall site design.

Together, the landscape spaces create a campus that bring residents together to observe and interact with each other and the living environment. Our design provides opportunities to participate in the landscape and includes elements such as interactive musical instruments, fitness class spaces with soft safety surfaces, stationary bicycles, and a walking loop to encourage physical activity throughout the building and its open spaces. A palette of natural materials, wood decking, stone walls and stabilized aggregate pavement creates a soothing setting. Movable tables and chairs in vibrant colors provide energetic accents.  A natural planting scheme includes native and adaptive species such as sedges, ferns, blueberry, pussy willow and sumac.

In bringing residents close to nature and providing them with opportunities to reflect, socialize and be active, these landscapes create a framework for healthy living.

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Project Status:
Currently in construction

West Side Federation for Senior & Supportive Housing

Redtop Architects