The goal of the playground renovation at this NYC Public Elementary School was to replace the existing playground’s outdated and uninspired equipment and deteriorating safety surfacing with a dynamic and durable playground design that can be enjoyed for many years to come. Expanding the existing tree pits into continuous planting areas serves to protect and revitalize the health of the mature Honey Locusts and to frame the playground with a lush border of shrubs and groundcovers. The design of custom wood play structures atop a rhythmic patterning of safety tiles in a natural palette offers a balance of active and imaginative play and rest. A signature castle tower play structure draws inspiration from the neighboring historic Armory with two turrets connected by a climbing bridge and a spiral slide. Beyond school hours, this enriching play space will be open to the children and caregivers of the larger community.
Nature Castle Playground
New York, NY, USA
Project Status:
In design development
New York, NY, USA