Damon Garden

Brooklyn, NY

This 625 sf rear garden in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn is designed as a series of outside rooms furnished in exquisite natural materials. At the parlor level, an ipe wood deck creates a fluid entertainment space next to the house. Broad steps leading down from the deck allow comfortable access to a deck on the garden level, which then steps down to a bluestone terrace. Set into the deck is a steel pergola supported by 9-inch square reclaimed wood posts. Larger truncated posts are built into the deck as seats or planter pedestals.  At the back of the garden, a retaining wall made of reused stair treads in iron streaked solid bluestone is planted with a thicket of wild grasses and flowers.  A red berried hawthorn tree is also planted next to the large windows at the back of the house both to create display and to give privacy to the residence.

CLIENT: Damon Family